
knobby, part 2

The kitchen knobs from anthropologie arrived at our house in record time. At first Catcher thought they were lightbulbs, and then he guessed clown noses. I guess they do kind of look like clown noses, but they are way better than their grimy predecessors.

After all of the worry concerning knobs from anthropologie, it turns out that I [almost] didn't need Alex for this quick little kitchen makeover. The screws on the new knobs just happened to be the exact same size as the screws on the old knobs (is that something that's standardized?) so all I needed was 15 minutes and a screwdriver.

Let the unwrapping begin. Each of the 15 knobs was individually wrapped: a great project for Catcher.

The cabinets, before.

More before.

And one more before (ugly, right?).

After: cute little clown noses.

Another after (a few of the knobs were painted/stuck on, so I did need Alex to come knock them off for me).

Final after.

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