

I'm always joking that since I'm the "team photographer," I don't have any pictures of myself with the kids. I want them to see one day when I'm old and fat and dorky (okay, maybe not fat but definitely old and dorky) that I used to be kind of cute when they were babies. On Friday Scout was home sick from school, so I thought this would be my perfect opportunity to have a little photo session with the two of us. Note to self: a "photo session" with an 11-month old when you are photographer and subject of the picture is virtually impossible. Scout loves the swish-click of a digital camera--she turns her head and grabs for the zoom lens before you can press the "on" button (which you sometimes get confused with the "shutter" button as you're trying to keep your child from falling off the sofa while simultaneously perfecting your effortlessly cool/content/this-photo-transcends-time face). 

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