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I do most of my showering at night after the kids are in bed. It's pretty impossible for me to shower any other time of day unless Alex is her to keep his eye on the little ones, but even then one of them manages to slip into the bathroom unannounced and scare the crap out of me. There have been times when I'm alone, after I think they're in bed, that Catcher and Scout have both freaked me out upon pulling back the shower curtain.

Blame it on Hitchcock, I suppose. I don't know if this fear existed in people before the movie Psycho. And I don't know if it's a fear unique to women or just me (certainly not just me). But I'm a little scared to shower alone (by alone I mean when I'm the only one in the house--kids don't count--not solo in the shower).

Last night Alex was driving home from College Station, TX and I was expecting him around the time I was getting in the shower. I sent him this text because I would not put it past him to come home and scare me in the shower. He's actually done it before under slightly different circumstances, so I didn't want to take any chances. It turns out that I made it out of the shower before he got home. I made it a quick one because the whole time I was in there all I could think about was how scary the shower can be. Psycho.

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