
living like we don't

I'm usually--and by usually, I mean 98% of the time--a pretty clean and organized person. I make the bed every--and by every, I mean every--morning and try to teach the kids not to romp around on the furniture. This week, however, all bets are off. Here's a look at our day:

Scout picked out mis-matched shoes to wear this morning. I wasn't about to fight that battle; actually, I was impressed that she chose one right shoe and one left shoe.

My bed: unmade.

Catcher and Scout spent a good 20 minutes entertaining themselves on--and under--the coffee table. It was 106 degrees today. We managed to make it to the playground this morning (when it was only 95) but this afternoon I didn't care what they did inside as long as I didn't have to lug anyone to and from the parking garage.

Catcher's bed: also unmade. Note: those books on the shelf at the end of his bed are usually stacked neatly and organized by theme/author.

Although you can't tell from this picture, Tillie spent the afternoon pant-less. She had a major explosion, so I let her hang out in just a shirt and diaper for the remainder of the day. I think she liked it. 

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