
can i bring this home?

Alex is in Houston helping his dad clean out his storage space. Here is a string of texts that occurred between the two of us this afternoon:

Here's a closer look at the deer head mentioned above (I'm not sure who Brian is, by the way, and what he knows or doesn't know about spray painting a deer head pink):

I was half joking when I sort-of okayed the deer head, but I guess the joke is on me because Alex just called and during our broken-up phone conversation he managed to get out the phrase, "So where do you want to put this thing?" We were cut off before I could supply an appropriate answer. Although I've been known to covet a deer head or two for decorating purposes, I've never imagined having a real one in my home. The deer head I've pictured in my space is faux and sleek and modern--a little quirky and not from a hunting lodge. It would look something like this:

It will take some serious DIY and perhaps a little magic to turn our friend pictured above into anything other than a man cave treasure, but I did find some inspiration online. Although these heads are of the faux variety, they give me something to think about.

Not on the High Street

Rachel Denny

Ash and Coppice

apartment therapy

So I guess I have a project on my hands when Alex gets home with the deer head in the back of his pickup. 

I realize how Texas that sounds. Wish me luck!

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