
oh what a night

You wouldn't know it by looking at this picture, but this morning it was pouring down rain in Charlotte. It was so dreary that just prior to leaving the house, I thought about my closet door that I left wide open and the dirty dishes in the sink telling myself, "no one is looking at houses on a day like today." "No one" called at 10:41am requesting a showing between 11:30 - 12:30. Thank goodness Alex decided to skip the gym this morning and give the house a little spit shine, if you will, before leaving for work. I hope they liked the new and improved HVAC "garden" (at least that's how I like to think of it).

But forget about the showing. Today turned out to be a beautiful day and we were able to take advantage of it on an evening stroll through the neighborhood. Catcher and Alex were looking for owls in trees, Scout was savoring her sippy cup and I was the team photographer.

By the way, if anyone is counting, the feedback we received from last week's two showings was "no comment," so I guess they didn't like it.

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