

This past Sunday we had our last shoot with HGTV. Wait. Back it up: on Sunday I thought it was our last shoot, but there may be more in the works...we won't get into that now. So back to Sunday when I thought it was our last shoot, I had a momentary lapse of reason and thought I would actually miss the cameras. When you're in the middle of a 12-hour shoot and the kids are beyond the breaking point of sanity, you wonder why you got yourself into this in the first place (oh yeah...I was home on maternity leave and bored out of my mind and sleep deprived and desperate to sell my house and thought it was a great idea). But then there are things that you really will miss--like hanging out with the crew, a hot battery pack on the small of your back, the feeling of being miked up hours after the day has ended and the lingering flow of conversation that is not-quite-normal between you and your spouse. Yeah, I think I will miss it. But I'm not sure the whole family is on board with my sentiments. 

Judging by his expression, Catcher won't miss the cameras following us around; he's been there and done that and is jaded by the whole reality TV thing at this point.

Scout, on the other hand, was more or less asleep during the first few months of filming, so she's still new to the TV world and was all smiles on Sunday. Or maybe the big light just put her in a trance.

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