
what's for dinner?

I always thought that someday when I "grew up" and had a husband and kids and a house that I would also have a stocked refrigerator. I took this picture this evening, and it has not been tampered with. These are the contents of our fridge: cheese (of the sliced, cream and queso varieties), milk (for Catcher, I hate the stuff), clementines, salsa, Scout's bottles for tomorrow, Pedialyte (left over from Scout's tummy virus last week), olives and tonic. There are no condiments because I don't like them; no fresh vegetables because they always go bad before I eat them; no lunch meat because I pack PB&J every day. So much for being grown up, huh?

People are always amazed when they see how empty our refrigerator is. But I think there are people in this world who stock refrigerators (not just hoarders) and people who don't. I guess it's usually bachelors who don't, but I'm one of those too. I'd rather just look at a clean, empty fridge than worry about expiration dates and stinky takeout. I hate leftovers, too, by the way. Our freezer (below) offers a little more...although it looks remarkably like the frozen section of Trader Joe's.

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