Yes. It is a cliche, but at the end of a hectic day who doesn't wish for a Calgon moment? I often joke that I am a single mom--at least when Alex travels 25 days a month, like the month of March--and that my real job doesn't start until I get home at around 6:30. From 6:30 - 7:30 I am in a full-body sprint as I prepare--I use that term loosely--dinner for two kids (now that Scout eats "real" food) then move onto bath number one [Scout], story time number one [Scout], bath number two [Catcher] and story time number two [Catcher]. Mix in the washing/preparing of bottles for the following day, clean up from dinner (which involves lots of windex and several paper towels to rid our ghost chairs of Catcher's sticky prints), and gathering of supplies (someone always needs more diapers or wipes at daycare)...and I'm spent for the night. No wonder I consider a baguette and a hunk of brie (and a glass of wine, of course) dinner.
Wait. What's all this babbling about? Oh yeah...the Calgon moment. Maybe it's cheesy and very Soap Opera of me, but wouldn't a bath--in a stylish clawfoot tub, of course--be a great way to wind down? I'll take it.
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