
popsicle talk

We've had a relatively cool spring in Austin, but when the temperature reached 97(ish) this afternoon, we started remembering what summer is really like around here. To celebrate the heat we treated Tillie to her first popsicle.

This is what I imagine the kids were thinking/saying to each other while enjoying cool sweetness in the hot heat:

Scout [to Tillie]: This is a popsicle.
Tillie [to Scout]: Yeah. That's what Mom said. Am I supposed to wrap it in a napkin?
Catcher [to himself]: Silly girls. Those things are gonna melt if you don't get started.

Next time I get a popsicle I want to try to the other color. Not the other color that Scout has, but the other color that Tillie has. I've never had that color before. Oh, wait. Silly me. Yes I have. It's lime. Like the other time we had the lime popsicles. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm going to pretend like I don't see Tillie's popsicle creeping into my picture because I'm really concentrating on wrapping this napkin around this popsicle. I'm not sure why I'm so concerned because I usually don't mind getting messy and sticky, but somewhere in my subconscious I remember napkins being involved with popsicles.

That is tart! Catcher, get your popsicle out of my picture.

Catcher [to the girls]: Neophytes.
Tillie [to Scout]: Seriously. Do I need a napkin? Oops...I just accidentally bit off a piece.
Scout [to herself]: Maybe I shouldn't wrap the napkin around the popsicle like a shroud after all. I'm going to unwrap it.

Scout [to Tillie]: You're supposed to make a funny face when you eat a popsicle.
Tillie [to Scout]: Like this?

Scout [to Tillie]: Maybe more like this.
Tillie [to Scout]. Oh. Like this.

Tillie [to Scout]: This is a funny face, too!
Scout [to herself]: Catcher has a pretty good strategy going on over there.
Catcher [to himself]: Scout always copies me.

Tillie [to Catcher]: Scout says we're supposed to make a funny face.
Scout [to Catcher]: What did Tillie say?
Catcher [to the girls]: Let's all make the same silly face. One, two, three...

Scout [to Tillie]: You should try mine.

Catcher [to Scout]: I want to try it. I want to try it. I want to try it. I want to try it.
Scout [to herself]: If he says it one more time I'm not giving him a taste.
Tillie [to herself]: I like mine better.

Scout [to Catcher]: Just a taste, big bro.
Tillie [to Scout]: Wait. I forgot what yours tasted like. Can I try it again?

Catcher [to Tillie]: The great part is that when you finish your popsicle you can suck on the napkin that your popsicle dripped all over.
Tillie [to Catcher]: That's just gross, dude.
Tillie [to me]: Are you hearing this?

I think the popsicle was a hit.

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