
a day in the life

Last night I went to bed with my camera. I mean, I didn't sleep with my camera, but I put it on the bedside table so it would be there in the morning. I had this idea that I would document a day in my life. The documentation wasn't as easy as I thought it would be--there's no time to set up your shot, get the right lighting, blah, blah, blah--but my "experiment" did make me take notice of the day. Things I would otherwise overlook, like breakfast cereal spilled all over the kitchen, became mini stories within themselves. The day went a little something like this:

6:41am wake-up call from Scout. She's our sleeper, but Tillie wakes her up every morning, and after 20-30 minutes of Tillie "talking" to Scout from her crib, Scout comes upstairs to tell us "I think Tillie wants you." This happens every morning.

And here is Little Miss Wakey Wakey waiting to be rescued from her crib.

Scout tried to pour her own cereal. This is what happened.

The bathroom in the morning--one of my hot buttons. Everyone wants to be in there with everyone else, and we all trip over each other until someone (or everyone) ends up crying. It drives me crazy.

Then again, when you stop and take a minute to actually observe, it's kind of comical.

Preschool drop-off. Alex was with me, so I sent him inside while I waited in the car with Tillie. In the rearview mirror you can see Catcher watching from the third row while Scout makes a production out of getting out of her car seat.

There was a little time to kill before taking Alex to the airport, so we visited one of our old favorites--Jo's Coffee on South Congress.

I made Tillie pose on the steps of the San Jose Hotel because beautiful and interesting people stay there.

Austin-Bergstrom International Airport in all its cloudy glory.

After school and a tear-filled wardrobe change (she spilled water on her romper and insisted she change), I was ready for Scout's nap.

Catcher taking a picture of me taking a picture of him.

After naps and snacks it's time to get down to business and go to the gym. Side note: it was a cloudy, drizzly day and we needed to get out of the house.

We had cereal for dinner. This is how it happened: we left the gym too late, and I took the long way home. I took the long way home because we left the gym too late, so I was going to treat the kids to P. Terry's for dinner. I was going to treat the kids to P. Terry's for dinner because I never made it to the store today (we're basically out of food) because I got sidetracked while registering Scout for another preschool next fall. There are no pictures of the registration process because I was in utter disbelief that I actually got her into this program (more on that at some point). 

But back to the dinner thing. So...we were on our way to the P. Terry's drive through when I realized I had left my wallet at home when we left for the gym. (I knew my bag was too light!) After promising the kids to a special treat tomorrow since I screwed up, we all decided that cereal for dinner was a decent idea. It's a good thing that we did choose cereal because Scout threw it all up on her way to the bath. I didn't take a picture of that because that's just gross.

After baths I was exhausted and the camera battery was dead, so our day was done for all intents and purposes.

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