
this week's wardrobe

Last week while we were FaceTiming Alex (on the road), he asked me if I was wearing the same thing that I had been wearing the day before. In my defense, I was in my gym clothes--post-gym, making dinner for the kids, pre-shower--and not wearing the same [gym] clothes as the day before. Furthermore, I had been dressed in civilian clothes earlier that day. I sent him the above picture to prove it. If you're wondering why I happened to have the above picture at the ready, it's because I was already thinking about documenting my outfits for the week. I mean, why have all these clothes if I wear the same five things every other day? So Alex questioning my clothing choices was just proof that i needed to keep myself in check.

Following is my diary of outfits beginning with last Friday (when yes, I was in gym clothes all day):

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