
the single girl

With Alex's busy travel schedule, I sometimes joke that I'm a single girl at home at night. If you want proof, here's a look at what's on my agenda for the evening:

Pad thai from Trader Joe's. Served directly from the microwave to my coffee table (no dishes required other than the plastic container in which it came).

Sex and the City re-runs on E! It feels like 1999 all over again; I think I've done this before. Except the first time it was 1999 and I was single (and my TV wasn't quite as grand and sat on the floor of my studio apartment).

Bill, taxes, mortgage, oh my! Of course I wouldn't be paying a mortgage if I were single...

Surfing the net. I haven't used the term "the net" in a while. Maybe it's time to bring that one back.

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