
birds of a feather

It's time for a new project. This afternoon Alex took both kids on a playdate, so I was given the gift of two uninterrupted hours of silence. During that time, as I was reading on my bed, I realized (simultaneously) that I need a headboard and a new project. I haven't decorated the apartment because I don't want to deal with repairing tiny holes and repainting walls before our lease is up, so I've been going a little stir crazy on the home front. Maybe my mood is a reflection of my new stay-at-home status, but either way it's time to create something with this amazing Josef Frank fabric that has been folded in my closet for over a year. I found an unbelievable deal on two remnants on eBay and purchased them with the intention of using it to cover a DIY headboard. 

The idea came from an article I saw in Metropolitan Home years ago, and I think it's finally time to tackle the project. We--and I say "we" because my assistant Alex is getting roped into this whether he likes it or not--have very little room for error on this one. The total length of fabric we have is about 2 1/2 inches longer than what we need for a headboard the width of our king bed. Basically I'm expecting some serious tugging and pulling and maybe a couple expletives about someone's stapling gun technique (I'm just saying...).

By bringing the fabric out of the closet and measuring it, I've already completed Step 1. Tomorrow I will venture out to Michael's for some sort of fabric adhesive (to attach the two remnants) and batting. Then I'll have my assistant drive me to Home Depot when he returns on Sunday for a gigantic piece of plywood that will become our headboard. Stay tuned, and wish me--I mean us--luck!

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