
afternoon face lift

Little white house before

Little white house after

While we were in the hospital last Tuesday, the painters showed up and gave our little house a much-needed face lift. It's still white, but the house finally looks finished (as opposed to the former white that we suspected was just a coat of primer anyway). My husband has plans for the flower bed in front of the house--if the temperature ever drops below 90 so he can spend an afternoon outside without the threat of a heatstroke--so things are moving along. Considering the work we've put into the house in the last couple of months, we are so ready to get this thing sold, especially with a new family member who's going to outgrow her bassinet before we know it.


  1. I'll miss the yellow door. Wait - is there a ghost standing in the right side window? Now it'll sell for sure...to Stephen King maybe.

  2. i have always said this house is haunted...with the ghost of the today show peering through the window.
