
monday matinee

Another cold front blew in--seriously, these things blow in from somewhere--today, so I felt the onus was on me to come up with an exciting/time consuming/non-controversial indoor activity this afternoon. I was thinking of baking something, but there are so many variables. Scout likes everything, but Catcher hates chocolate and nuts (except pecans) while Tillie likes all nuts (except pecans). Then there's always wrangling over who gets to pour and who gets to stir and who gets to crack. I wasn't feeling it, so I reached into my little bag of tricks (i.e. the toy chest) and discovered one of Scout's almost forgotten Christmas presents--Moulin Roty's La Lampe shadow flashlight

I'm all about imaginative play right now, so I was more than happy to offer up our attic sanctuary as the perfect place to host a shadow flashlight show. There was a dragon and a princess (who looked more like a mouse to me) and a wolf (or maybe a fox, according to Scout) and a knight in shining armor. I'm not saying there weren't any scuffles--like the time Tillie attacked Catcher with the flashlight--but the little guys came up with some crazy stories that almost made sense. Inevitably showtime turned into playtime on the parents' bed, but we did manage to kill an hour of our time.

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