
better than disney


However, Catcher did high-five some Star Wars guy (forgive me for my ignorance in not identifying him; they all look the same to me) and Scout got a hug from Snow White. In what circumstances--outside of Disney, of course--could these two actions happen harmoniously? In the annual Chuy's Children Giving to Children Parade, naturally. (That's another check on the list for good old-fashioned holiday family fun if anyone's keeping track.)

This was our first year attending the parade, and I have to admit that I was slightly impressed. There was something for everyone: princesses galore, mutant turtles, storm troopers and giant balloons (of the Macy's parade variety). We got there early and had front-row seats as a giant Cookie Monster came barreling down Congress Avenue ducking light posts along the way. It was pretty cool; no one can have a bad time when a giant Cookie Monster is hovering mere feet above you.

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