

This is how Catcher ended up running around naked in my friend's backyard this afternoon:

- 2:00pm: we were supposed to meet my friend and her boys at a wading pool at a park in a nearby neighborhood. She was running a little late, so we got there first and discovered while the pool had water in it, it wasn't chlorinated yet. So no swimming.

- 2:18pm: hot and sweaty, we went for plan b--a splash pad down the street from their house.

- 2:23pm: arrive at splash pad; splash pad not working today.

- 2:25pm: I'm exhausted and the kids want to know why we keep going places that aren't open. I text my friend to let her know that we'll be at her house in two minutes.

- 3:38pm: After playing with the water hose and in the kiddie pool in the backyard for an hour, the kids are restless and think inside offers more exciting play options. Catcher's swim clothes are muddy, so I warn that he can't go in the house wearing dirty clothes. His solution? Well...a picture's worth a thousand words, right?

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